Ad-verse Affect

A blog about adverts and how much I despise them.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Sugar, sugar.

There is an advert on telly that is bugging me. Well, they ALL bug me but this one.... Well I'll paraphrase it...

Voice Over:
'Hey kids, if asparagus talked to you would that make it taste better?'

Small Girl:

Voice Over:
'If broccoli flew into your mouth would it be yummy?'


Voice Over:
'If we added ice cream to yoghurt would it taste better?'

'Ice cream? YUM!'

I'm no expert in how the sense of taste works, in fact I have a terrible sense of taste and smell, but it seems to me that something talking generally doesn't impact the taste.
I'm almost certain that how something gets to your mouth makes little change in how we experience the taste.

Adding sugar though? That does tend to add a certain something.

I detest adverts like this. They are deceptive, aimed and children, and in this case the advert takes something which tastes pretty damn good already, sweetened yoghurt and implies that it a child shouldn't like it unless it has ice cream added to it.

This blog is going to be me ranting about what I see as one of the most damaging industries out there. Sure advertising may not directly impact the environment but it certainly makes us buy things that do. I love the fact that people attack the government for being a nanny state for it's social engineering with advertising campaigns and yet don't blink an eye when companies push an unhealthy drinking culture, unhealthy body images, and try and foist products we do not need onto us.
Advertising is so pervasive in our day to day lives: The radio, the television, billboards and product placement. I have been making an effort to be more aware of what adverts are actually saying to us and pay attention to the tactics they use to sell us the products. It pays to remember that: Every advert you see is trying to get you to buy their product.